Wednesday 1 April 2015

My Images of SEE – 18:15, Thursday 25th August

I wondered to the continental breakfast, and read up on the rail times to Ljubljana. Ideally there should be one at 12:30. I asked the receptionist for an iron, which she had and passed it over. I ironed, washed & changed, then left for the day.

I walked north, towards the train station, retracing my steps from last night. The sun was on form again today, even at an early hour as this. I passed under the railway station, then up to the first of 3 green squares leading to the main Jelacic Square. The squares were more rectangle, surrounded by Austrian type buildings, and all looking to a similar style building at the centre of the square. Trams hummed by and cars crossed by along east/west roads, opposite to the north/south squares.

I passed the archaeological museum on my left, leaving it for later. I walked up to the main square. All the while the buildings were of the same era – Austro-Hungarian. A large, dark stature centered on the city’s main square, that of Ban Jelacic, whom the square is named after. I walked to the right, and up a hill, swinging around to the left of the buildings that were initially in front of me. To my right was a massive twin towered Cathedral. I ended up wondering around a market, and bought my tourist necessities. Wasps buzzing around the fruit made my stay short. I went back down the hill, still behind the initial face of buildings behind the square’s statue, to reach a café. I had a rest and a read.
I then took this curving road that I was on, up the cobbled street, up towards a square that contained the Croatian ‘Sabor’ or Parliament. A cobbled square, dominated by a colourful church, contained not only the Parliament but (judging by the Ministerial-type cars) also many Ministries. A nearby road contained the Museum of Croatia. I walked down the thin street to reach it, and entered, walking up the stairs to pay. They only had an exhibition of the very Ban Jelacic whose statue I saw earlier and have read about. So I went in eager. They had a mass personal collection of the Ban’s from his private former home. This ranged from the outfit he wore for his induction as Ban, to letter of congratulations he received; to household possessions and personal items such as weapons and pipes. It was an intriguing visit.

I then walked south to a lovely view of the city below. A few feet on, you could see the Cathedral again. I went down the hill, back to the main square. I stopped off at a café for a beer to whet my mouth during the strong noon sun. I moved on then, heading to Trg Marsala Tita (Tito again), and stopped off on the way to buy a t-shirt. I then made my way to the Ethnographic Museum. Luckily it was free today. So I wondered around the ‘fire’ exhibition they had on, then to the garments worn by Croats of old. Similar to other regions that I have been to, in that they are ornate and colourful. I then went back to a square just off the main one for a lunch break.

I then meandered through side streets to the archaeological museum. It had varied exhibits – both from home and abroad. It had a selection of mummies & coffins. Vast amounts of pottery and jewelry; and to my taste – coins. I spent over an hour there. I then went back to the small square for a beer and read.

 I then walked slowly back to the hotel. Under the railway station, I looked for an English newspaper. I have done the entire time I have been out here, but only the Financial Times I have stopped twice and is not to my liking. But alas, I found the Guardian for 24KN. I could read something at length, physically, in English. Hurrah. I then walked back to the hotel to rest and read.

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