Tuesday 17 February 2015

My Images of SEE – 19:10, Tuesday 23rd August

I quickly got ready and made my way out. I walked into the old town and had a coffee in one of the small cafes and read. I then made my return journey, in the shade, towards the Parliament building, and to the museum. Luckily it was open, so I went in. There were three sections, so I began with the Archaeology part. It had a lovely collection, which started with exhibits from outside BiH, but then moved on to it. I then explored the Botanical Gardens then on to the Ethnographic part. Here, they had an exhibit on 20th century children’s toys. That was a bit modern and seemed slightly out of place. I then moved into another odd exhibition about ‘Love’ – more specifically about tokens for love. I then went upstairs where they recreated 19th century Ottoman homes – parts of which were from an original home.

I then walked back through the gardens, located in a courtyard, surrounded by the museum. I went to the small Natural History museum that wasn’t worth seeing. I sat in the gardens for a while, to rehydrate, then left. I walked back into town then, and sat at a café next to the water spring. After that I wondered around and managed to find a couple of leather/cord bracelets for me and Liam, so I bought those. I then went to the hotel to see where this Ottoman house was. I located it on a map and walked up the narrow lanes, up a hill, to it. Within 10 minutes I was there, but it was shut. So I returned to the old town and grabbed a nice, white coconut cake and coffee. I then meandered my way around again, and led myself back to my hotel to relax. I did a bit of preliminary packing.

My Images of SEE – 09:53, Tuesday 23rd August

After refreshing, I then left for dinner. As soon as I stepped outside, the firework went off over my head. The cafés and restaurants will be packed. I, again, wondered around the old town for a place to eat. I eventually went to a place called ‘To be, to be’ – a take on ‘To be, or not to be’, only the ‘not’ was scribbled out for use as a slogan during the siege. It was an intimate place, and I sat upstairs with a group of 5 who were next to the window.

I ordered a beer and chicken risotto. I read while it was being prepared. When it arrived, I tucked in and was amazed. It was lovely. It had mushrooms too, and I even ate some! I devoured it whilst reading. I then left the 5 to it, and went down to pay. Only 17KM, bargain. I noticed that the kitchen was tiny, and home cooking obviously reigned here. I then walked to the Austro-Hungarian quarter, to a street that was lined completely with chairs, tables and umbrellas. It was busy with people on a night out – music in the background and football on the TV. I just relaxed with a pint. Afterwards, I grabbed and ice cream in the old town and returned to bed.

A better nights sleep, led to an earlier rise. So I went for breakfast armed with 10KM and my washing. The girl on reception suggested an Ottoman house to view, 5 minutes away. I said I would take a peek. I gave her the washing for the cleaner to do.