Wednesday 14 October 2015

My Images of SEE – 20:31, Sunday 28th August

After the snack I walked west through the city. Zig zagging through the streets, ending up on the main street. I walked across to Zara for a while. I then went down the high street to the main square, towards the town hall and down the narrow street it was on. Very baroque architecture and you felt ‘closed in’ getting further down it. There were the same cafes along the street. I reached the end where there was a small medieval fair going on. I whisked past, to the left and up a small incline. 

I reached a church, then turned right, then right again to the fair. I went into a dark pub there for a glass of wine and to evade the wasps. After that I walked up the densely populated southern flank of the riverbank, to a cake/dessert shop. I again had a glass of wine and cake, albeit after a ten minute wait to be served. After that I walked up to the next bridge, crossed, and then came back to the wine bar I visited. Another glass of wine and reading.

I then went in search of food and completed a figure of eight, with the square being my start and end. I went up the high street to McDonalds to be cheap. I then walked back to the Tivoli Park. I gazed at the ‘Photos of Serbia’ exhibit, but had to cut it short as I was being followed by wasps. I walked back to my neighbourhood, then under the railway line to the Mercator shop. I got snacks and food for tomorrow. I then walked back and watched a documentary on my phone and facetimed mum, after a quick eat outside.

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